Intercessory Prayer - For pastors, and those called by God to ministries, Body of Christ.
Theophostic - Trained at Fellowship Church with Ed Smith's tapes, books and techniques. Ministered to over 50 persons (included over 800 memory healings. The ministry involves Jesus coming into a memory (with an embedded lie) and ministering to that person until they are healed and set free from the lie or lies planted by the enemy. Worked also with persons with D.I.D. (Disassociate Identity Disorder) and some with High Level programming by the occult.
Neil Anderson's Freedom In Christ Series (Seven Steps To Freedom) - Attended Neil Anderson's Conference and completed the training for this ministry at Grace Baptist Church in the Karn's community. I personally went through the seven steps to freedom. I was an intercessor for two sessions and facilitator for one (each session 5-7 hrs) at Grace. Since then I have facilitated for various men and women.
Financial Responsibility - Counsel Children/other; Teach about how a credit card that charges 6% interest can actually cost you 100 % interest; Home Budget; Pay mortgage off quickly; Living with your means; Free of debt
Deliverance/Wholeness/Healings And Maintenance - Pray/Intercessory War/ Deliverance/ Healing from any and all diseases, illnesses, and afflictions; Terminal and other diseases; All manor of bondage; Maintenance of freedom for disease/illnesses/afflictions; Mental illness
Praise And Worship/Prayer- Praise and Worship/Prayer Every Thursday and Saturday at 7:30 P.M.